The client support that you will receive from your cloud website hosting provider is really important, regardless of whether you have pre-sales questions and you're not a customer yet, or you have some technical trouble with an active account. Timely and correct information regarding a question or a problem will save you a lot of time and efforts, not mentioning that this could often be a proof that you're ordering from an actual web hosting provider not from a reseller. If you purchase a hosting account from a company that doesn't own its servers and it cannot access them immediately, it's almost certain that you'll wait for a few days to receive a response to any kind of question, thus your websites may remain offline for ages. In contrast, a supplier which provides numerous options for communication and has a support crew that is available any time will assist you to right away and help you reduce or fully avoid any kind of downtime and prospective losses.

24/7 Customer Support in Cloud Website Hosting

All our Linux cloud website hosting include 24/7/365 pre-sales, customer and technical support, so no matter if you're inquiring for our web hosting solutions well before you make a purchase or you are a current client and you have a question or some problem, you are able to contact us anytime, including weekends and holidays. We have multiple channels to get in touch with us - several phone lines around the globe for your convenience and live chat support for pre-sales, billing and basic questions; e-mail messages as well as support tickets for more technical issues or any troubles which need more time to investigate and take care of. Unlike a number of other web hosting service providers, our trouble tickets come with a guaranteed maximum reply time of just one hour, which means that whatever your problem is, it will be resolved timely and you will not waste days so as to have something fixed.