When you decide that you'd like to change the firm which is hosting your sites, you will have to move all the content to the hosting servers of the new one, which may not be a very easy task if you do not have much experience or you just have no time to get it done. Provided you have an HTML Internet site, it won't be challenging to relocate it as the migration is merely re-uploading all the files to your new account, but if you have a script-driven site and you need to relocate a database, then link the website to it, and in addition you'd like to relocate mailboxes that you have created for your domain, you might find the whole process annoying. To make things easier for you if you choose to get a hosting account from our enterprise, we offer site migration as a totally free service with all our hosting packages, helping you save the time, cash and efforts that you will otherwise have to spend to transfer the content yourself.

Assisted Website Migration in Cloud Website Hosting

After you acquire your new cloud website hosting account, you'll be able to contact our technical support team and set up the migration of your Internet sites, which usually doesn't take longer than 48 hours. The amount of Internet sites which we can migrate for you varies according to the plan that you choose upon signup, but there's no package deal where this service isn't available, so we will be able to assist you even if you have only one small website and you prefer that our professional staff performs the migration. The only two requirements are the current web hosting server to be running on Linux and the platform that you've employed to set up the website in the first place not to be a closed-source one for instance Jimdo or Wix as they don't give access to the files. We'll move any type of website no matter the hosting Control Panel that you currently use and our offer is valid for both custom-made Internet sites and ones produced with famous script-driven applications including Joomla or WordPress. When our support team moves everything, they shall examine the websites in order to ensure that they're functioning properly and will then inform you that you may change the name servers of your domains and point them to our cloud platform.